Aussie Heavy Horses' website Mane Plaiting Page

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Click Here for a full step-by-step GALLERY of photos
and one explanation of the sequence of plaiting a Scotch Roll into a Clydesdale's mane

Click Here to download a low resolution movie file of above sequence #1

Click Here to download a zipped higher resolution movie file #1

Click Here to download a low resolution movie file- slower footage #2

Click Here to download a zipped higher resolution movie file #2

For any further queries, other styles, or any questions, click here to look in the Australian Heavy Horse Forums


This picture, below left, is of Jack Lehmann, with Clyde Hill Intent (by The Intent (imp))
The stallion is wearing the actual mane net shown in the last couple of photos of the gallery sequence in the
first link at the page top- beside him (centre)is the net, from about the same angle, on the mare Duneske Twylight in 2007.

Next is Box Valley Charles, being led by Norm Sippel at Brisbane Royal Show, with another style of mane net, popular in the 1940s.

Twylight & mane net


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